Blog Guidelines

Here are ten important rules you may choose to fallow wail blogging on the internet.

1. You should always keep safety in mined when online or when you publish somethings online.

2. You should never use you full name or (unless you have there consent) anyone else's full name when online or when you publish something online.

3. You should never give your's or someone else's address when online or when you publish something online.

4. You should never put your phone number online or when you publish something online.

5. You shouldn't use language that would insult someone when online or when you publish things online.

6.  You should never use pictures of your self or any one else when online or when you publish something online.

7. You shouldn't talk negatively about people when online or when you publish somethings online.

8. You should never put any thing that could possibly incriminate of your self or any one else when online or when you publish anything online.

9. 6.  You should never agree to meet someone you don't know personally.

10. You should have some similar rules to to keep ID to your self you don't know who you could put in danger.